Psychology and self help

Your dreams are still meant to come true! Part 2 (Episode 3)

Being human comes with both power and vulnerability and when vulnerability serves power we become unstoppable. In this episode we explore a bit more deeply the lies that our subconscious minds have come to believe as a result of our life experiences. We learn that we have the power to outgrow the past if we tap into the power of inner belief and connect our spirits to our bodies and the two work together as one.

Your dreams are still meant to come true! Part 1

In order to improve or change anything in your life, you must first change your subconscious image of yourself reflecting that part of you or your life. I guide you using some of my tools as a clinical hypnotherapist to uncover and discard the old image that no longer serves you, and to rediscover your true wanted image of the true self you desire to be in 2024.


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Episode #3

“Undaunted” was my word for the New Year. When it came to me, around this time last year, I had no idea of how much I was going to need it! In fact, I, like most people, was looking forward to 2020 almost as a rescuing, all-good-bringing beginning of a new decade. I was not anticipating any of the overwhelmingly unfortunate, and heartbreaking catastrophic challenges it had in store.

“Undaunted” has been a powerful anchor word for me. It encouraged, comforted, strengthened, challenged and transformed me more than I could have possibly imagined when it first came to me. I see this word as a powerful gift that I want to share with you. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.

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